The Beauty Blogger

Tuesday 26 May 2015

BEAUTY HACKS -Using Vaseline

The affordable drugstore staple has been around for 150 years — and for good reason. Petroleum jelly has some seriously life-changing beauty uses. 

1. Keep perfume from fading. Rub Vaseline on your wrists and behind your ears to make your perfume last.

2. Soothe dry heels. Summer sandals plus the sun and sand can make the skin on your feet super dry and flakey. Spread Vaseline on your feet before you go to bed, and cover with fuzzy socks. You'll wake up with soft skin that will look and feel like you got a pedicure.

3. Remove eyelash glue. Rocking faux-lashes for a big event? It can be tricky to get them off without pulling out your natural lashes, too. Rub a bit of Vaseline on your lash-line and the falsies will come off much easier.
4. Perfect your mani. Line your nails with Vaseline before you paint them. The jelly will keep polish from spreading outside your nail.

17 Life-Changing Beauty Hacks Every Lazy Girl...

21 Genius Lipstick Hacks Every Girl Needs to Know
5. Make your legs glow. Mix Vaseline with your fave liquid bronzer. Spread the formula on your legs for a shiny, glow-y look.

6. Get thicker-looking lashes. You don't even need mascara to get lush lashes. Apply a little Vaseline to your lash line for a shiny, voluminous look.

7. Keep nail polish lids from drying shut. Spread Vaseline around the inside of the polish lid for super-easy opening next time you use it.

8. Put pierced earrings in more easily. You know how when you haven't worn earrings for a while, it can be hard to get them through the hole? Sometimes, it hurts! Rub Vaseline on your lobes, and you'll have a much easier time.

9. Hide split ends. If your hair looks totally fried, rub a little Vaseline through your ends. You can fake smooth ends until you get a haircut.

10. DIY a lip stain. Mix a packet of Kool-Aid (like cherry!) with a tablespoon of Vaseline. When you apply it to your lips, the balm will give you a red lip that lasts.

11. Protect your skin from hair dye. If you're coloring your hair from a box, it's easy to get dye on your forehead or around your ears. Vaseline blocks the color from seeping into your skin, so apply a little around your hairline first.

12. Tame your brows. Keep unruly eyebrows in place by smoothing Vaseline over your arches. They won't move all day long.

13. Highlight your eyelids and cheeks. Using a bit of Vaseline is a super affordable way to get the dewy look when you don't have highlighter handy. Dab it on your brow bones, lids, or the apples of your cheeks.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Beautiful items for sale!!! #Zulululudesigns #flashsale

My Beauts, 

My lovely friend Kleanta is selling stunning unique jewelry and clothing.
What better way to publish her unique items, than to publish it on my blog.

Please contact her if you are interested:
Sunset beach - R60
Black spiral - R60
Cell: 0730334627

Waterfall Trench - R380
Cell: 0730334627

Cape coat - R550
Cell: 0730334627

Gold Infinity - R120
Cell: 0730334627

Bubblegum Flutter - R120
Cell: 0730334627

Call/whatsapp/email to secure your orders. Don't miss out!!! While stock lasts. 

Keeps shining 



Friday 22 May 2015

Some amazing ways to use Coconut oil

I normally take a teaspoon first thing in the morning as its a natural fat that is so important for the digestive system and and helps speed up your metabolism.

I also use it to whiten my teeth but below are some other amazing uses -

1. An alternative to shaving cream. Get a smooth shave and prevent razor burn by mixing coconut oil, shea butter, and jojoba oil together.

2. Facial scrub: Slough off dead skin cells and get rid of blackheads with a simple mix of equal parts coconut oil and brown sugar.

3. Makeup remover. Using your hands or a washcloth, rub a little coconut oil onto your skin. Let sit for a minute and rinse off with warm water. It can even remove that last bit of waterproof mascara — just be careful not to get directly into your eyes, or it could sting.

4. Cuticle oil. Winter wreaks havoc on your skin, especially your hands. Skip the lotion and just rub a little coconut onto your hands and cuticles to lock in moisture.

5. Lip gloss. Favorite tube of lipstick just about done? Scoop out the last bit of color with a Q-tip and combine with about a teaspoon of coconut oil in a new container, and you should have just enough for an extra swipe or two of lipstick.

6. Makeup brush shampoo. Yup, this really works! Here’s how: Coconut oil is packed with anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties due to the level of medium-chain fatty acids that are present, Dr. Ariel Ostad, M.D., a New York-based dermatologic surgeon, says. “In fact, those fatty acids make up 80 percent of coconut oil, so they can definitely help keep your makeup brushes clean,” he says.

Mix two parts anti-bacterial soap with one part coconut oil and work through brush bristles. Rinse under lukewarm water. Let dry completely before using your brushes again.

7. Deodorant. The lauric acid in coconut oil can help kill bacteria that causes your sweat to smell. But be warned: This doesn’t actually stop you from sweating, it just masks the B.O.

8. To fake long lashes. While Dr. Ostad says nothing but FDA-approved medications (such as Latisse) can actually lengthen your eyelashes, using a little bit of coconut oil on them can make them appear longer and fuller. Simply dab a little bit on with a Q-tip or cotton ball. Less is more though — too much can cause minor eye irritation.

9. To prep before and after waxing. “Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer and can be very effective for those with delicate skin,” says Dr. Ostad. “My suggestion would be to stick to organic extra virgin coconut oil, and to always test it out on a small patch of skin first to make sure you’re not allergic, especially if you’re going to be applying it on or near your genital area.”

10. To soothe eczema flare-ups. Coconut oil is one of the few things that can actually restore damaged or diseased skin, due to the small molecular structure of it, which allows for easy absorption, according to Dr. Ostad. As with waxing, Dr. Ostad recommends testing the oil on a small patch of skin first to ensure that you’re not allergic to it.

11. To fight dandruff. “Dandruff is caused by a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia, and coconut oil has natural antifungal properties that can work to eliminate it,” Dr. Ostad says.

12. To moisturize dry hair. Bonus to treating dandruff: Coconut oil seeps deep into the hair shaft, which means it’s also great as a longer conditioning treatment. If you have thin or fine hair, work a dime-size amount of coconut oil through slightly damp hair; if you have thicker, more coarse hair, feel free to use more. Wait an hour and then shampoo and condition as normal.

 13. To fight frizz. Oil and water don’t mix, so when you need to tame flyaways fast, scoop half a teaspoon of coconut oil into your hands (in this case, you only need a very small amount; too much can make your hair look greasy), rub through your hands very quickly to warm it up, and then work through your hair. Style as desired.

14. Toothpaste. Mix one part coconut oil with one part baking soda for a natural toothpaste (you can also add a couple of drops of mint oil if you really miss the minty-fresh taste) that will leave you with a pearly white smile.

15. To treat fungal infections. While coconut oil on its own won’t have the same effect that antibiotics do, you can use it in conjunction with them to prevent and treat fungal infections like athlete’s foot, Dr. Ostad says.

Tuesday 19 May 2015


Mica Beauty


 I started my blog to share the importance of skincare. Even though I love my organic natural home skin mask, which I describe in my IMPORTANCE OF SKINCARE Blog Post -  I found this Gem in a jar is one spectacular product. Skin masks are highly important in your skin regiment. Although you can buy cheap, quick fixes, a good well invested skin mask not only gives you your moneys worth but you will also see vast improvement in your skin.

I have been using the Mica Beauty Skin Mask enriched with gemstone dust for little over a month. With my first application of the mask I panicked, as my skin had a terrible break out and I thought my skin was not taking to the product. The reaction was very similar to your skin reacting to a chemical peel. I have to always be careful before using or purchasing products as I am highly allergic to many products such as Aloe Vera, Rooiboo's and many other natural products.  Through my research I found that the Mica Beauty Rescue mask has ingredients such as Hyaluronic acid which fills the spheres of skin cells and Vitamins A, C, and E penetrate to the heart of the skin cells.

 I was reassured by my Obey Your Body Consultant that this was part of the process of the mask penetrating the two main layers of the skin - the Epidermis and Dermis. Of course with my beauty background I'm an extremely cautious person to when it comes to the skin. I have suffered In my teens with acne and now that I'm in the beauty industry I want to take pride in the one &  only skin I have. The research was also comforting to me as it states that the Gemstone Dust instantly hydrates and replenishes, helping your skin fight and prevent acne breakouts. Even though the first time I had the scare when using this Mask, It did exactly what it suggests it does which is fight off and prevent acne & breakouts. 

Your Skin is a life investment and as much as I wish I had perfect porcelain skin, I have no choice but to treat it with (TLC) - Tender, loving and care. I use this mask once a week and each time I take it off, I see my skin is nourished from within. 

"This hydrating mask will give an instant boost to any complexion, leaving skin looking healthy and radiant. The Gemstone Dust improves the clarity of skin. It also heals and prevents blemishes, helps smooth and create elasticity in the skin, and fades coloured spots safely and naturally." - MicaBeauty®’s® Rescue Skin Mask

Tuesday 13 January 2015

The Importance of Skin Care

The Importance of Skin Care

Its so important to look after your skin from a young age as it will contribute to your skin looking youthful when you begin the aging process. Good eating habits of healthy organic foods too contribute to more beautiful younger looking skin. I'm here to share good daily habits that will help you protect your skin, making it more youthful and healthy.

Sun exposure is unhealthy to unprotected and exposed skin. This causes wrinkles, dark spots, sagging skin and skin cancers. This is why doctors highly recommend always wearing SPF 15 sun protection products all of the time. This is especially important to start these habits at an early age for those with the most sensitive skin. 

The reasons for our skin changes over time, have to directly do with skin collagen breaking down. As already mentioned, there are several reasons why this happens, but there is now ways to change some of the damage done. We can do things to prolong and even make some skin reversals of damage that will take off years without the expensive doctors office treatments. There now are proven products out there with collagen repair that will improve the damage. Retinol and organic skin care antioxidants such as green tea extract and vitamin C are also affordable and proven to bring back your skins beauty without even having to use harsh or expensive products

Daily facial cleansing is the most important habit to healthy skin. Its important to understand your skins needs. Once you have differentiated between the many different skin types, you need to learn more about your own. If you are sensitive its important to use sensitive, non-perfumed and alcohol free soaps, face washes, cleansers and toners. If you have dry skin it is extremely important to use moisturized products - this will give your skin the moisture it is lacking.It is important to moisturize for all skin types except skin with acne issues. Depending on your skin type, moisturizing will vary on how much or how little you use.

Over washing is also bad for our face, because of removing to many natural oils that should be there. My tip is to use warm water for reasons of hot or cold breaking down capillaries. One more very important point for serious beauty skin care is once a week exfoliation. A good at home kit is affordable and easy to use for anyone. It is important though to use small-grained exfoliates and not large grained because of large grains being damaging more than helping. With the small-grained exfoliate usage once a week; a glow will come back to you skin. Moisturize is too very important to keep that glow going. 

Beautiful skin all comes down to taking the time to stick to the habits and using good products.Here is a quick easy DIY mask to just help your skin feel rejuvenate 

The Beauty Blogger Face Mask:

One part egg white
one tablespoon raw honey
one tablespoon lemon juice

Mix all together and apply with clean hands. 
Once applied leave to dry and Leave on for 20 mins (Try not to smile or laugh as the egg white is a natural tightening ingredient.). When cleaning the mask off of your face use only Luke warm water. 
When drying your face use a pat-like-motion with a clean towel. PLEASE REMEMBER: Use a moisturizer as soon as your face is dried to seal your first layer of skin.

Always remember that Beauty and skin care go hand in hand. I hope my tips help you.

Keep shinning,