The Beauty Blogger

Tuesday 13 January 2015

The Importance of Skin Care

The Importance of Skin Care

Its so important to look after your skin from a young age as it will contribute to your skin looking youthful when you begin the aging process. Good eating habits of healthy organic foods too contribute to more beautiful younger looking skin. I'm here to share good daily habits that will help you protect your skin, making it more youthful and healthy.

Sun exposure is unhealthy to unprotected and exposed skin. This causes wrinkles, dark spots, sagging skin and skin cancers. This is why doctors highly recommend always wearing SPF 15 sun protection products all of the time. This is especially important to start these habits at an early age for those with the most sensitive skin. 

The reasons for our skin changes over time, have to directly do with skin collagen breaking down. As already mentioned, there are several reasons why this happens, but there is now ways to change some of the damage done. We can do things to prolong and even make some skin reversals of damage that will take off years without the expensive doctors office treatments. There now are proven products out there with collagen repair that will improve the damage. Retinol and organic skin care antioxidants such as green tea extract and vitamin C are also affordable and proven to bring back your skins beauty without even having to use harsh or expensive products

Daily facial cleansing is the most important habit to healthy skin. Its important to understand your skins needs. Once you have differentiated between the many different skin types, you need to learn more about your own. If you are sensitive its important to use sensitive, non-perfumed and alcohol free soaps, face washes, cleansers and toners. If you have dry skin it is extremely important to use moisturized products - this will give your skin the moisture it is lacking.It is important to moisturize for all skin types except skin with acne issues. Depending on your skin type, moisturizing will vary on how much or how little you use.

Over washing is also bad for our face, because of removing to many natural oils that should be there. My tip is to use warm water for reasons of hot or cold breaking down capillaries. One more very important point for serious beauty skin care is once a week exfoliation. A good at home kit is affordable and easy to use for anyone. It is important though to use small-grained exfoliates and not large grained because of large grains being damaging more than helping. With the small-grained exfoliate usage once a week; a glow will come back to you skin. Moisturize is too very important to keep that glow going. 

Beautiful skin all comes down to taking the time to stick to the habits and using good products.Here is a quick easy DIY mask to just help your skin feel rejuvenate 

The Beauty Blogger Face Mask:

One part egg white
one tablespoon raw honey
one tablespoon lemon juice

Mix all together and apply with clean hands. 
Once applied leave to dry and Leave on for 20 mins (Try not to smile or laugh as the egg white is a natural tightening ingredient.). When cleaning the mask off of your face use only Luke warm water. 
When drying your face use a pat-like-motion with a clean towel. PLEASE REMEMBER: Use a moisturizer as soon as your face is dried to seal your first layer of skin.

Always remember that Beauty and skin care go hand in hand. I hope my tips help you.

Keep shinning,

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