The Beauty Blogger

Tuesday 19 May 2015


Mica Beauty


 I started my blog to share the importance of skincare. Even though I love my organic natural home skin mask, which I describe in my IMPORTANCE OF SKINCARE Blog Post -  I found this Gem in a jar is one spectacular product. Skin masks are highly important in your skin regiment. Although you can buy cheap, quick fixes, a good well invested skin mask not only gives you your moneys worth but you will also see vast improvement in your skin.

I have been using the Mica Beauty Skin Mask enriched with gemstone dust for little over a month. With my first application of the mask I panicked, as my skin had a terrible break out and I thought my skin was not taking to the product. The reaction was very similar to your skin reacting to a chemical peel. I have to always be careful before using or purchasing products as I am highly allergic to many products such as Aloe Vera, Rooiboo's and many other natural products.  Through my research I found that the Mica Beauty Rescue mask has ingredients such as Hyaluronic acid which fills the spheres of skin cells and Vitamins A, C, and E penetrate to the heart of the skin cells.

 I was reassured by my Obey Your Body Consultant that this was part of the process of the mask penetrating the two main layers of the skin - the Epidermis and Dermis. Of course with my beauty background I'm an extremely cautious person to when it comes to the skin. I have suffered In my teens with acne and now that I'm in the beauty industry I want to take pride in the one &  only skin I have. The research was also comforting to me as it states that the Gemstone Dust instantly hydrates and replenishes, helping your skin fight and prevent acne breakouts. Even though the first time I had the scare when using this Mask, It did exactly what it suggests it does which is fight off and prevent acne & breakouts. 

Your Skin is a life investment and as much as I wish I had perfect porcelain skin, I have no choice but to treat it with (TLC) - Tender, loving and care. I use this mask once a week and each time I take it off, I see my skin is nourished from within. 

"This hydrating mask will give an instant boost to any complexion, leaving skin looking healthy and radiant. The Gemstone Dust improves the clarity of skin. It also heals and prevents blemishes, helps smooth and create elasticity in the skin, and fades coloured spots safely and naturally." - MicaBeauty®’s® Rescue Skin Mask

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